This deck represents an homage to Native American ways of life, which are significant throughout North American art and history. The artist uses muted tones to show the archetypes of the tarot in the many facets of the indigenous societies of the North American continent.
What Buyers Love About this Deck!
- The muted tones that give a strong, deeply emotional feel to the artwork.
- The unique interpretation of the Native American story as seen through the artist's vision.
- The connection to the Waite-Smith structure, making the deck easy to learn and use.
- The expertly written guidebook, with color images.
- The sturdy card stock, and easy to shuffle.
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Artist Max Mitenkov expresses his appreciation and love of these cultural themes in this re-interpretation of the Rider-Waite Tarot, a celebration of tribal life which honors the contributions from the rich history and complex cultures of Native Americans.
Artist Max Mitenkov expresses his appreciation and love of these cultural themes in this re-interpretation of the Rider-Waite Tarot, a celebration of tribal life which honors the contributions from the rich history and complex cultures of Native Americans.

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